Season Sale - 15% Off


charter operator

HELIAMERICA S.A.C. over 20 years, operates helicopters and highly specialized work of high precision and has over 25,000 hours in long lines. It has taught us to consider the safety of our passengers and machines as a first objective and philosophy in our work.

At the beginning of 2012 HELIAMERICA became part of LOMEX GROUP, who´s Headquarter is located in MEXICO, with different business units including: TRANSPAIS AEREO (Fix Wing) and ASESA (Rotary Wing), now HELIAMERICA is part of it.

It is pertinent to mention that ASESA was incorporated on August 10, 1977, in order to support offshore operations Dan Wood Ice drillship off the coast of Black Guerrero, Baja California, which began air operations on November 1 of the same year, so it make a operation experience of almost 36 years.

HELIAMERICA staff is intimately involved with the daily implementation of improved security. Improve our professionalism and compliance with environmental and safety standards in operations, is the secret of our success to the satisfaction of our customers. It is also important to keep in mind the principles of our business group: Honesty, Respect, Loyalty, Commitment, and Enforceability.

HELIAMERICA has the AOC for the operation related to the RAP 135 & 121, also on the last couple year HELIAMERICA has certificate AMO located in TARAPOTO they can provide maintenance for the BELL 212 and BELL412.

phone +51 1 713 9323
Aeropuerto Trompillo Hangar #88 calle Placido Molina 6495
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
