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Nakanihon Air Service

charter operator

As an integrated aviation services company, Nakanihon offers both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters to match our customers’ requirements exactly.
Airplanes and helicopters are unique in their ability to provide swift and easy transit and transport to the destination without concern for topography, roads, and other constraints. Nakanihon Aviation Service is continually developing diverse and multifaceted aviation services that take full advantage of these abilities. Beyond our basics of charter flights, goods transport, and aerial photography, we also offer spatial information acquisition services such aerial imagery acquisition, environmental studies, cartography, and laser measurement. In addition, we also offer product sales, pilot training and development, and sightseeing flight services.

phone +81 568 39 1345 / +81 568 28 2151
fax +81 568 28 5110 / +81 568 28 5677
Division Nagoya Airport, 480 0202
Nagoya-shi, Japan
