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Aviapages & Leon connection

Synchronize Aviapages & Leon software to increase your sales to TOP 

The main goals of the integration
  • Minimize mistakes in flight time
  • Process hundreds of quotes faster and easier
  • Receive more requests
The integration options include:
  • Flight Time & Route Calculator
  • Charter Quoting
  • Flight Schedule & Empty Legs

Flight Time Calculator in Leon

Increases your correct charter pricing due to:
  • Accurate flight time: wind impact, airway route - 97% close to the actual flight time
  • Counties and FIR avoidance
  • Customizable profiles, more than 200 AC types are preloaded
  • Almost independent Sales work from the Dispatch team
  • Fast and proven charter quotes
Flight Schedule, Empty Legs and Timely Quotations in Leon brings you:
  • Top sales
  • Direct and handy quotations inside of your Leon profile
  • New partnership opportunities
  • Significant amount of charter requests
Сonnect using your Opr ID

Please or provide contact data


The integration is based on a high-end OAuth2 standard.

This standard, combined with well-synchronized API allows customers to integrate sales’ options that they choose according to their needs. The OAuth2 is a secure connection created on authorization, not authentication and does not require access to such sensitive data as password etc. It works as an authorization token that confirms identity between a third-party software and a service provider.

How it works

For the flight schedule, empty legs and quoting
1 Log in
If you're not logged in, login or just type your contact email and company name
2 Connect
For the flight schedule, empty legs and quoting integration please use your OprId in the specified place and press “Connect”
3 Confirm
Then Leon software will ask you to login again (using your Leon credentials) confirming the integration
For the Flight Time & Route Calculator
1 Connect
Use button “Connect Flight Calculator”
2 Receive
After you receive a token to your email, find Aviapages Flight Calculator at the “Software” page in Leon
3 Activate
Switch it to “On”, use the token and press “Save”. Token gets activated and the user gets 300 test calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find my OprId ?

The Opr Id is included in a quick link to your Leon profile.

What information will be open for others if I integrate the flight schedule, empty legs and quoting?

The only open information from your schedule can be about your Empty Legs displayed at Aviapages in Charter Live Map tool, Empty Legs section.

The flight schedule of any of your AC is confidential. Your AC is available for quotes at your choice. Quotes you send remain private and accessible for a broker who created the request. No website users or any third-party can view the details of your flight schedule and quotes.

How to use our Calculator in Leon?

Please watch the guide

How to set countries avoidance for the Flight Time Calculator?

Please watch the guide

The flight time calculated by Aviapages has significant discrepancies with the real or the flight time provided by dispatch. What should I do?

Usually, it happens when your aircraft profile does not match the manufacturer fuel burn scheme. Specified Mach number of your AC can be used for the real flight for specific aircraft type or flight duration (short flight, long-haul flight etc.)

If you have other significant discrepancies in flight time calculated via Aviapages please contact us at support@aviapages.com sending following information:
  • Tail number
  • Route
  • Issue description
  • Date & Time of issue
  • Aircraft type
  • Departure and Arrival airports
  • Number of passengers

After we check received info, we may require additional data such as FPM, mach number used for this type of flight, MTOW etc. and create customized aircraft profiles for your company. After creation of a customized profile we test it, advise you of its unique name and you use it for your calculations.

What’s the difference between calculation by tail number and calculation by aircraft type?

As we have an impressive aircraft database, we can ourselves set the appropriate profile for more accurate calculations.

Who are using Aviapages in Leon

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