Wucher Helicopter GmbH
charter operatorYour partner for every load up to 5 tons
Wucher Transport Helicopter are immediately on the spot when needed. They don't require special made roads and don't let any tracks in nature. But helicopters are not only in the mountains a good choice, they also score with their flexible availability and are often the most efficient solution.
Even more security: Wucher Helicopter has a maintenance service for its own and foreign machines. Our maintenance is proofed and certified to EASA-Norm: AT.145.055 and ensures the absolute technical reliability of all aircraft.
Because: High confidence pays off.
phone | +43 5550 3880-0 |
fax | +43 5550 3880-306 |
website | www.wucher.at |
helicopter@wucher.at |
Hans-Wucher-Platz, A-6713
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