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PRH Aircraft

Charter brokerAircraft dealer
Los Angeles, United States
Ventura, CA 93003

TBM Ownership - Training - Sales Since 2000

Doug has been involved in TBM sales since 2011 and was the previous owner of two TBMs for a decade. Doug has over 1,000 hours of flight time in the TBM series of aircraft.

Doug was co-owner of Turbine Solutions, Inc. (TSI) TSI was training about 30% of the US fleet of TBMs. TSI was sold to SimCom International in June of 2018.

Previously he sold TBMs for Avex, jetAVIA, and Corporate AirSearch International (CAI).

Until March of 2023, Doug was the Director of Operations for Goldberg Aviation, the premier organization for in-aircraft training. Doug resigned from Goldberg to concentrate all of his efforts on building PRH Aircraft Sales into a leader of pre-owned TBM aircraft sales.

Private/Instrument/Multi-Engine and Citation Excel type rated with 2600 hours total time.

Doug lives in Ventura County with his wife of 27 years, Valerie.

In his spare time he enjoys playing tennis and amateur radio.

Company information updated > 2 years ago

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