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CSI Aviation, Inc.

Charter operatorCharter broker
+1 505 342 7377
Albuquerque, United States
3700 Rio Grande Blvd. NW Ste.1, 87107

CSI Aviation, Inc. is a seasoned air transportation and aviation logistics company founded in 1979. The company provides passenger and cargo air transportation, as well as medical flight services. CSI further provides aviation program management, including large aircraft operating under Part 121, and a portfolio of aviation logistics services. The company excels in supporting aviation requirements worldwide, including constructing and managing complex aviation operations. The company holds an FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Certificate with worldwide operating authority and has a global network of qualified and carefully screened aviation partners that provide flight and support services anywhere in the world.

CSI Aviation’s in-depth business experience, earned over almost four decades, enables it to provide creative and cost-effective services to its customers. Customer service, integrity and reliability are integral to everything CSI does.

Company information updated > 2 years ago

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