Season Sale - 15% Off

Aircraft Canada

aircraft dealer
Lorne started in Aviation more than 45 years ago and is known all over this continent for his integrity and accountability with everything he does. There are many of his past and current customers that consider Lorne a friend and have not only stayed as repeat customers but have trusted their friends to Lorne’s top quality knowledge and service.

Lorne started at Standard Aero in 1968 where he worked in parts, "Dusting boxes" as he calls it. His work ethic and reputation got him hired at Brooker Wheaton Aviation in 1973 where he worked his way up from parts to Vice President. Lorne has a keen mind and this got him wooed again by Standard Aero where, in 1981, he became Branch Manager and stayed there gaining insight and making friends until 1989, leaving to became Co-Owner of Global Aircraft.
phone +1 403 547 1024
316 Hamptons Terrace N.W. Alberta, T3A 5S2
Calgary, Canada

Charter Fleet

For Sale
