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Zela Aviation - Fly2Sky strategic cooperation boosting tourism

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During a challenging period for tourism in Cyprus (a critical pillar of the Cypriot Economy), Zela Aviation is announcing its cooperation with Bulgarian Airline, Fly2Sky.

The strategic agreement will actively revitalize tourist traffic, providing a state-of-the-art Airbus A320 (180 seats) for charter flights, five days a week, to and from Larnaca and Paphos airports, serving as the aircraft’s bases.

More specifically, as of June 15, 2021, the Airbus A320 will be flying to all EU Member States, the United Kingdom, and other countries that have signed the Open Skies Agreement, strengthening the aerial connection between Cyprus and abroad.

This development will be the ideal choice for flights to the Greek islands and other popular destinations, especially during the summer holidays, at very competitive prices.

Expressing his satisfaction with this important agreement, Andreas Christodoulides (President of Zela Aviation) stressed that the strategic cooperation of the two companies – taking into consideration the recession and the crisis caused by the pandemic – confirms the credibility and prestige of Zela Aviation in the field of air transport, among other major international airlines.

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