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The Falcon 8X is Dassault Falcon's flagship aircraft

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The Falcon 8X is Dassault Falcon's flagship aircraft. With the newest technology, it has played a big role in innovation for business aviation. With the capacity to fly you faster and further, it has no to very little match in its category.

The 8X can fly you anywhere within an 11,945 km range in extreme comfort. A longer and wider cabin offers a better travel experience to its passengers and the state of the art technology makes any flight a new experience.

With the tri-jet advantage, the 8X flies you wherever you are going faster. The three engines also contribute to the 8X’s slow and stable approach speed which allow takeoffs from shorter runways.

Contact us to get a quote for your next trip in a Falcon 8X.

+41 844 041 844

Source: lunajets

