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How long in advance you need to book the private jet?

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How long in advance you need to book the private jet?

The more time you have the better. There are several factors we need to consider. First one is jets availability. There are thousands of jets in our database and this is never a problem, unless you have a very particular request. Normally we can easily find a jet to make any route even with short notice. It takes nothing but a few minutes to send a request. But the second thing is the slots. It means whether or not the airports are able to accept the jets at that particular departure or arrival time requested. For example some sky resort airports might only have several slots per day and some sky lovers might have “seasonal booking” of these slots. But in this case we still might be able to find the availability if we have more time, we can find those people and make an extra agreement with them. Nothing is impossible.

Safe travels.

See you on board. DM a request for your next trip.

Source: 47807428126
