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Fairchild Merlin III

Airlec Air Espace
Class Light
Max. passengers 9
Year of production 1979 lock icon PRO
Serial number T-293
Homebase LFPB (LBG), Le Bourget
Medical ramp
Adult critical care
The Swearingen Merlin or the Fairchild Aerospace Merlin is a pressurized, twin turboprop business aircraft first produced by Swearingen Aircraft, and later by Fairchild at a plant in San Antonio, Texas. Airlec’s Merlin fleet consists of three Merlin IIIB which are fully converted into Air Ambulance mode. The Merlin is the ideal Aircraft for short haul / European flights.

Speed: 285 kts
Range: 1,200 nm + IFR reserves
Cruise Flight Level: Up to 24,000 ft. above sea level
Capacity: 2 stretchers + electrical loading ramp
Flight Level: 18,000 ft.
Benefits: a large airframe with big windows and a toilet
