Season Sale - 15% Off


Saab 340B

Class Airliner
Max. passengers 30
Year of production 1989 lock icon PRO
Serial number 169
Homebase EETN (TLL), Lennart Meri
The Saab 340 has been the bestselling 30-seat aircraft over the past 50 years. Since its entry into service, more than 200 operators in 60 countries have been operating the Saab 340, renowned for its durability, high dispatch rate and outstanding safety record.
NyxAir's Saab 340 cabin is fitted with 33 comfortable leather seats in a three abreast configuration at 30 inch pitch. The passenger door at the front of the aircraft is equipped with air stairs. The cabin has a climate control system and of course toilet and galley for maximum comfort for all passengers.
We offer a go-now ad hoc flight service and can be airborne within 90 minutes from our strategic located bases (subject to crew availability).
