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Beechjet 400A


Class Light
Max passengers 8
Typical Speed 780.0 km/h
421 kts
Range 3020 km
1631 nmi
Cabin height 1.46 m
Cabin width 1.49 m
Cabin length 4.75 m
Luggage volume 1.5 m³
The Raytheon Beechjet 400 private jet is a premier executive business light jet. With luxury seating for six to eight, this aircraft is perfect for executive or leisure jet charter. With an impressive speed of 470 mph and a range of 1,685 miles, coupled with interior luxury, it's no wonder that the Beechjet is one of the most requested jets for business charter. It is clearly superior to its competitors in speed, cabin comfort, and fuel efficiency.

Although the 400 is a fine aircraft, Beech made leaps and bounds with its light private jet: the 400A.Upgrades include increased payload and ceiling; greater landing weight and fuel storage; greater cabin volume; a rear lavatory; and improved cabin soundproofing.Passengers enjoy fully berthable seats that swivel up to 180 degrees.A cabin baggage area and refreshment cabinet have been added.Newly located engine mounts and the addition of sound-dampening materials makes for a more enjoyable and quieter cabin environment.
