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AirBridgeCargo Airlines, one of the leaders in transportation of live animals by air, has successfully delivered 9 racehorses from Moscow (Russia) to Amsterdam (the Netherlands) onboard Boeing 747-8F scheduled flight

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AirBridgeCargo Airlines, one of the leaders in transportation of live animals by air, has successfully delivered 9 racehorses from Moscow (Russia) to Amsterdam (the Netherlands) onboard Boeing 747-8F scheduled flight.

Авиакомпания «ЭйрБриджКарго», один из лидеров по авиационной доставке животных, недавно перевезла 9 скаковых лошадей из Москвы (Россия) в Амстердам (Нидерланды) на борту грузового самолета Боинг 747-8F.

Source: VolgaDneprGroup
